News Archive

November 2023

June 2023

Library Reopening – June 2023


The Beach Haven Library Board of Trustees and Staff are pleased to announce that renovation and restoration of the library building located at 247 North Beach Avenue is largely complete, and library collections have been moved back into place. Full operations at the historic library, which opened to the public in 1924, will resume on Monday, June 26.

The library will host a Grand Opening on July 12.

The library has been operating out of a temporary location on the second floor of Beach Haven Borough Hall since last November after environmental testing revealed unsafe conditions at the historic library, and the Borough Council declared an emergency.
Work on the library building included addressing problems with water in the basement, as well as remediating mold and higher-than-acceptable levels of lead in the air resulting from lead paint on walls and shelving.

All remediation has been completed and the building interior has been newly painted.

“After many months, there’s light at the end of the tunnel,” said Jane DeHaven, the library’s new Director. “It was no easy task to get 40,000 books back onto the shelves, rehang the artwork, curate displays, and resettle staff and equipment into the library building. The support we received from Borough administration was phenomenal, and everyone from Borough Manager Sherry Mason to the entire team at Beach Haven Public Works was there when we needed them.”

“I also can’t begin to thank our Library Board, and especially the executive committee— Board President Kathy Kelly, Vice President Tina Hughes-Kelsall, Treasurer Nancy Thornton, and Secretary Jayne McElvery—for going above and beyond during this unprecedented challenge.”

“We’re happy to be reopening, and we’re looking forward to a busy summer season.”

Beach Haven Library #609-492-7081

Library Reopening – June 20232024-07-08T17:29:59-04:00

May 2023

Press Release 2023.5.17 Holiday Snack Bar


The Borough is cognizant that the issues with Holiday Snack Bar are of ongoing concern to Borough residents and visitors. As such, we are providing the following update to the community:

Press Release 2023.5.17 Holiday Snack Bar2024-07-11T10:39:22-04:00

Press Release – Holiday Snack Bar, May 2023


The matter with Holiday Snack Bar arose from a neighbor’s complaint that their operation was disturbing the peace. Upon investigation of that complaint, the Borough discovered that Holiday Snack Bar had unlawfully expanded its approved outdoor seating.

Press Release – Holiday Snack Bar, May 20232024-07-08T17:32:00-04:00

April 2022

May 2022

July 2021

September 2020

Public Notice of Assignment of Municipal Tax Sale Certificate



Notice is hereby given that the Borough of Beach Haven in the County of Ocean, has set September 14, 2020 at 6:00 PM in the Municipal Building, 300 Engleside Avenue, Beach Haven, NJ (held by Zoom Call see full link below) as the date and time and place to consider the offer of Imperial Tax Liens, LLC, to acquire by assignment, the following Tax Sale Certificate dated December 4, 2015, held by the Borough of Beach Haven, known as:

Certificate 07-2015 Block 204 Lot 9.01 C3016 Eleventh Street.

Said offer represents the amount due with subsequent liens. The owner of said property and all interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard prior to taking action by the Governing Body.

This notice is given pursuant to the provision of N.J.S.A. 54:5-144.

https://us02web.zoom. us/meeting/register /tD\rdu-spj ktG9zBXdqz5/\dej BH iu M LODBTd

Matthew J. Palmer

Tax Collector

September 4, 2020

Public Notice of Assignment of Municipal Tax Sale Certificate2022-05-03T13:17:26-04:00

July 2020

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