
About joycemedia

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So far joycemedia has created 83 blog entries.

September 2019

August 2019

July 2019

April 2019

March 2019

January 2019

United States Coast Guard – Government Shutdown


As many if you know that with the government shutdown, the men and women of the United States Coast Guard are serving without pay. The Coast Guard is always there for us. They were among the first people here helping after Hurricane Sandy. As a coastal community, this is our chance to be there for them. We are asking everyone who feels this is unacceptable for these men and women, their families, and their children to please donate canned non-perishable goods or gifts cards from stores (for example : Shop Rite, Murphy’s, Acme, Babies R’ Us) in amounts no greater than $20. The Beach Haven Volunteer Fire Company has offered to collect donations at the fire house in Beach Haven until 1/23. Let’s show the Coast Guard how much we appreciate all they do.

United States Coast Guard – Government Shutdown2019-07-30T16:42:10-04:00

November 2018

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